Innovative Territory
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Innovative Territory


Dunkirk benefits from an exceptional industrial and port ecosystem incorporating the Europe’s leading energy platform. Because of its capacity to innovate and mobilise all the stakeholders in its region and the shared ambition to build economic activity and quality of life side by side, the Dunkirk area is a tireless source of creative energy that is today a showcase for the industry of the 21st century.

Innovative Territory

The Dunkirk area is the winner of the Innovative Territories programme since 2019.

“Innovative Territories” is a national scheme which is part of the Major Investment Plan, backed by the third wave of the Future Investments Programme (PIA). The aim of this scheme is to help the regions of the future emerge in France as well as new models of regional development. Innovative, replicable and exemplary, these new models will promote the emergence of ecosystems conducive to sustainable economic development and the improvement of the living standards of the inhabitants while helping local economic stakeholders to shine.

Dunkirk’s project entitled “Dunkirk, Creative Energy”, winner of the Transformation of an industrial and port ecosystem is rooted in building a regional symbiosis to embody the industry and city of the future. It is aiming to provide a better quality of life for its inhabitants by combining environmental protection, economic development and social harmony.

Dunkerque, l’Énergie Créative : Une Transition Vers un Écosystème Industrialo-Portuaire Innovant et Durable

  1. A port and industrial ecosystem in transition
  2. A region that has engaged in its own transformation
  3. A sustainable industry and region, today and tomorrow
une superviseuse travaillant sur son ordinateur

A port and industrial ecosystem in transition

The Flanders-Dunkirk region has a long-standing maritime and port history. An industrial complex turned bedrock of the French steel industry, Dunkirk is home to the biggest global companies such as ArcelorMittal, Aluminium Dunkerque, AstraZeneca, Coca-Cola, Kubota, Basf and a major energy platform.

In the mid-2010s, despite its appeal and recent company expansions, the Dunkirk area was facing the same difficulties as most of Europe’s industrial urban areas: closure of two refineries, an unemployment rate higher than the national average at a time when industrial jobs were in short supply. Moreover, it was an area that emitted very high levels of CO2 due to its heavy dependence on carbon-based energies.

So Dunkirk made the shared decision to radically transform the region via innovation.

Innovative Territory

A region that has engaged in its own transformation

Very early on, the region’s stakeholders demonstrated their capacity to come together to innovate and reconcile economic development, environmental protection and quality of life for local residents. Unique know-how:

  • Mobilising and bringing together private and public stakeholders across a range of issues relating to industrial sites.
  • Making the circular economy an essential link in its development with the creation of ECOPAL, the organisation responsible for promoting material and energy exchanges. With many successful symbioses that benefit both the economy and the environment.

Innovative Territory

A sustainable industry and region, today and tomorrow

Dunkirk is ready to accelerate the transformation of its territory even further, to boost a regional symbiosis where industries, companies, the port, communities and inhabitants pool innovation and expertise to stay ahead of technological breakthroughs.

Our partners have confirmed their shared ambition by signing the Dunkirk, Creative Energy charter. Together, they have defined four strategic areas (Industrial and territorial ecology, air quality, energy transition and so-called Toiles – industrial development tools – and regional intelligence) on topics such as air treatment, the hydrogen sector, use of waste heat or the recovery of CO2.

A model of mixed governance that is flexible, participatory and agile, bringing together all the local driving forces in an ongoing development process.

Dunkirk, creative energy: transformation of an industrial-port ecosystem

With “Dunkirk, Creative Energy”, the stakeholders of the Flanders-Dunkirk region confirm their will to go further, accelerate and unite to innovate and transform their industrial-port ecosystem into a showcase for the 21st century industry.

It’s a challenge for the area, but also a contribution to the challenges France is facing in maintaining a competitive industry that protects its environment, to rise to the climate challenge and even meet European air quality requirements.

The project also expresses an ambition for positive and mutually supportive transformation that gives everyone the possibility to participate and benefit, by creating the services of tomorrow, such as the free bus that restores purchasing power and contributes to reducing the environmental footprint of mobility.

The programme “Dunkirk, Creative Energy” runs until 2029 and is based on 4 innovation topics and 15 actions.

Discover labs, clusters and centres of excellence who could soon be your partners

These partners will help you get the most out of the remarkable skills and technical equipment available here. With their assistance, you can develop and test the innovations of tomorrow at your very own company.
Innovative Territory



Dunkirk, Creative Energy: Towards an Innovative and Sustainable Industrial and Port Ecosystem

une superviseuse travaillant sur son ordinateur

A port and industrial ecosystem in transition

The Flanders-Dunkirk region has its own port and maritime history. For 100 years now, it has also been an industrial complex (refineries), the bedrock of the steelmaking adventure on the water, and home to some of the world’s largest companies, including ArcelorMittal, Aluminium Dunkerque and AstraZeneca… and a major energy platform with, for example, Europe’s largest nuclear plant, an LNG terminal and a DK6 combined-cycle power plant.

In the mid-2010’s, despite its appeal and recent company expansions (Ecocem, Ecophos, Indaver, etc.), the Dunkirk area was facing the same difficulties as most of Europe’s industrial urban areas: two significant refineries had closed, the urban area was facing an unemployment rate higher than the national average at a time when industrial jobs were in short supply, but above all, today, Dunkirk, despite the efforts of all its stakeholders, is an area that emits very high levels of CO2 due to its heavy dependence on carbon-based energies.

But here, the transition is not imposed from above; first and foremost it’s a shared choice.

employée de chez ArcelorMittal

A region that has engaged in its own transformation

Very early on, the region’s stakeholders demonstrated their capacity to come together to innovate and reconcile economic development, environmental protection and quality of life for local residents.

The Dunkirk area has in fact developed unique expertise based on its ability to mobilise and unite stakeholders around sensitive issues, enabling a dialogue between public authorities and economic players on all issues relating to industrial sites.

On a more directly operational level, manufacturers were quick to adopt a position on the circular economy, keen to reduce the impact of their activities on the environment, with the creation of the ECOPAL association responsible for promoting exchanges of materials and energy. There are many examples of successful symbioses that benefit both the economy and the environment: the development of a heating network powered by ArcelorMittal’s waste energy, the installation of the DK6 combined-cycle power plant and the launch of Ecocem, a company which produces cement that emits 45 times less CO2 than traditional cement by recycling blast furnace slag.

Innovative Territory


Dunkirk is ready. We are ready to accelerate the transformation of our territory even further, to move from the coexistence of different symbioses to a regional symbiosis where industries, businesses, ports, local authorities and residents pool their innovation and know-how to anticipate technological breakthroughs and share the benefits.

Our partners have confirmed their shared ambition by signing the Dunkirk, Creative Energy charter. Together, they have defined four strategic areas (Industrial and territorial ecology, air quality, energy transition and so-called Toiles – industrial development tools – and regional intelligence) which will immediately be broken down into fifteen innovative actions on topics such as air treatment, the hydrogen sector, use of waste heat or the recovery of CO2.

Together, they have built a model of mixed governance that is flexible, participatory and agile, bringing together all the local driving forces in an ongoing development process.

Over the years, alliances have been strengthened and a shared vision has been affirmed… And this is how a formidable creative energy has been used to become an Innovative Territory and invent the industrial and port coastline of tomorrow based on a model of regional symbiosis.