Legal Notice
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Legal Notice

An essential partner serving the development and sustainable transitions of the territory, its businesses and its inhabitants.
60, route du Pertuis do môle 2 

The website is hosted by ZETARK
2 routes de Bergues – 59210 COUDEKERQUE BRANCHE

The information collected is subject to data processing reserved for sending newsletters and prospecting. The recipients of the data are: ÉcosytèmeD.

In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify your information, by contacting us.

You may also, for legitimate reasons, be opposed to your data processing.


Graphic design: FK Agency
Development : FK Agency


Personal information and cookies

ÉcosystèmeD collects the information supplied by visitors to , in particular by means of cookies, with a view to better identifying expectations and meeting information needs. Information is collected in this way on connection to and navigation on the site when e-mails are sent to the webmaster via “Contact” links on the site and on the occasion of online subscriptions to the ÉcosystèmeD newsletter.

Cookies are small files sent onto your computer when you make a connection. They are used solely for statistics and the administration of your visit and navigation on the site. Information is in no case made available to any third parties, but may be used for the compilation of statistics.

Right to access and rectification of data

As provided under articles 34 and 36 of the Act no. 78- 17 Informatique et Libertés dated January 6, 1978, you have the right to access data that concerns you and to require that these be corrected or deleted. To exercise this right, you may either contact the webmaster or write to ÉcosystèmeD: 60, route du Pertuis do môle 2, 59140 DUNKERQUE, France.

Links to the site

On request, ÉcosystèmeD authorizes the creation of hyperlinks to the contents of its site except on internet sites or other vectors conveying pornography or subversive content or other material contrary to the public interest.

ÉcosystèmeD prohibits deep linking and the pages of the site and its version for other countries are thus not to be made accessible from within the pages of other sites.

Links to other sites established by ÉcosystèmeD

ÉcosystèmeD is not responsible for the content of the sites to which it provides hyperlinks from the site and other versions of the same site. Any queries concerning the establishment of partner links should be addressed to: ÉcosystèmeD: 60, route du Pertuis do môle 2, 59140 DUNKERQUE, France.

A cookie is a text file that may be stored, subject to your choices, in a dedicated space on the hard disk of your terminal (computer, tablet, etc.) when you consult an online service using your browser.
It is transmitted by the server of a website to your browser. Each cookie is given an anonymous identifier. The cookie file allows its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is stored during the period of validity or storage of the cookie concerned. A cookie cannot be traced back to a physical person.

Google Analytics cookies and statistics
These cookies allow us to establish statistics on the number of visits to the and websites and to detect navigation problems in order to monitor and improve the quality of our services.
Exercise your choices according to the browser you are using
You can set your browser parameters at any time in order to express and modify your wishes with regard to cookies and in particular with regard to statistical cookies. You can express your choices by setting your browser to refuse certain cookies.
If you refuse our cookies and those of our partners, your visit to the  websites will no longer be counted in Google Analytics and you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functionalities which are nevertheless necessary for browsing some of our pages.
We would like to inform you that you can however oppose the recording of cookies by following the procedure available below:

On Internet Explorer
1. Go to Tools > Internet Options.
2. Click on the privacy tab.
3. Click the advanced button, check the box “Override automatic cookie handling”.

On Firefox
1. At the top of the Firefox window, click the Firefox button (Tools menu in Windows XP), then select Options.
2. Select the Privacy panel.
3. Set Retention rules: to use custom settings for history.
4. Uncheck ‘Accept cookies’.

On Chrome
1. Click the spanner icon on the browser toolbar.
2. Select Settings.
3. Click Show advanced settings.
4. In the Privacy section, click the Content Settings button.
5. In the “Cookies” section, you can block cookies and data from third-party sites

On Safari
1. Go to Settings > Preferences
2. Click on the Privacy tab
3. In the “Block Cookies” box, check the “Always” box

On Opera
1. Go to Settings > Preferences
2. Click on the advanced tab
3. In the “Cookies” area, check the “Never accept cookies” box

Google Analytics Cookies
Some pages on  contain buttons or modules from third-party social networks that allow you to use the functionalities of these networks and in particular to share content on with other people.
When you visit a web page on which one of these buttons or modules is present, your browser may send information to the social network which may then associate this viewing with your profile.
Social network cookies, which we do not control, may then be deposited in your browser by these networks. We invite you to consult the confidentiality policies of each of these social network sites, in order to learn about the purposes for which the social networks may use the browsing information they collect thanks to these buttons and modules.

Legal Notice

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