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Do you wish to do an apprenticeship in a region with booming economic growth? Situated in the north of Europe, the Dunkirk region has plenty of transport networks. It’s made for you!

Dunkirk has so many advantages that it’ll be hard for you to say no! It’s the perfect place for ambitious professionals to grow and develop.

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Your choice of education pathway doesn’t matter. Whether it’s a vocational qualification, Master’s degree or engineering degree, you can integrate an apprenticeship with any level of training.


An apprenticeship is a training arrangement that allows students to alternate between periods working in a company and periods studying at a training centre or school. This form of apprenticeship offers practical work experience and theoretical training so you acquire all the skills required for the job you’d like to do.

This training course will lead to a professional diploma, a professional certificate or a state-recognised qualification. Your choice of education pathway doesn’t matter. Whether it’s a vocational qualification, Master’s degree or engineering degree, you can integrate an apprenticeship with any level of training.

It can be carried out over a period of one to three years depending on the training and level and it revolves around an employment contract that allows the student to gain employee status and earn a wage. Working hours are shared between the company and the school based on a schedule set out in the apprenticeship contract.

There are two types of apprenticeship:

Apprenticeship contracts: a type of employment contract that allows the employer to hire an apprentice and provide vocational training that alternates with working in the company. It is intended for young people between 16 and 25 but can also be extended in certain cases to the age of 30 (recognition as a disabled worker, setting up/taking over a business, etc.). This can be a permanent or temporary contract for a minimum of one year. This apprentice will be remunerated based on age and level of training. The apprentice will follow apprenticeship training which alternates between theoretical lessons in a training centre and practical training in a company.

Professionalisation contracts: a type of employment contract that allows the employer to hire an employee to provide them with vocational training in view of gaining a state-recognised qualification. It is intended for young people between 16 and 25, job seekers over the age of 26, beneficiaries of social welfare benefits (RSA) and individuals who have benefited from a single insertion contract (CUI) but also for existing employees who want to retrain or acquire new skills. This contract may be permanent or temporary and established for a maximum term of 24 months (36 months for those with a level lower or equal to A levels). Just like the apprenticeship contract, the apprentice will be remunerated based on age and level of training. The employee under a professionalisation contract follows theoretical and practical training that alternates with their professional activity.


By working at a company, students have the chance to build a professional network. The experience and the skills acquired can help them to get a permanent employment contract at the end of their training period. An apprenticeship brings together all the undeniable strengths for students seeking to get a foot in the job market.

An apprenticeship gives students a number of advantages:

  • Practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired in class
  • Discovery of the professional world
  • Specific skills and professional experience in a trade or profession
  • Easier entry to the job market
  • Salary
  • Professional training in a company and theoretical lessons in class

An apprenticeship gives students the option of a more professionally oriented route, moving away from the traditional route of an initial course towards the professional world. This kind of course helps students to go into the world of work with employee status, a probationary period and time off. The student will be able to develop their skills in the company and will benefit from this professional experience as a type of springboard to become effective in the world of work.

An apprenticeship gives companies a number of advantages:

There are a number of advantages for students who choose the apprenticeship route but there are also many advantages for employers.

For companies, an apprenticeship contract allows them to recruit motivated, dynamic and well-trained students. They also have the chance to train the apprentices according to the company’s needs and requirements to eventually integrate them into their organisation on a permanent contract.  This type of training also benefits the company from an economic point of view and contributes to its development thanks to certain established financial aids. These companies can thus enhance their competitiveness and their performance.


You can take up an apprenticeship contract in many activity sectors in the Dunkirk area such as industry, commerce, services, etc.

A large range of training is available in Dunkirk in different higher education centres such as the University Littoral Côte d’Opale or the Dunkirk Technological University Institute (IUT), apprentice training centres (CFA) and vocational training organisations.

Here is a list of apprenticeship training programmes available in Dunkirk:

  • Vocational qualification (CAP)
  • Vocational training certificate (BP)
  • Professional baccalaureate
  • Advanced technician’s certificate (BTS)
  • Two-year technical degree (DUT)
  • Diploma in Accounting and Management (DCG)
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Vocational degree
  • Master’s degree
  • Training provided by training organisations (for example by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

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