panoramique Dunkerque port

Christophe PILLOT

Portrait Christophe Pillot

Originally from “Besançon”, Christophe has lived in many french cities before settling down in Dunkirk.

No longer do we spend hours in traffic jams and the price of real estate here remains reasonable. I can tell you that I’ve rarely found a quality of live as fine as in Dunkirk… 

“From 2013, I was working in Dunkirk, living in Lille and commuting every day. In 2018, I had the chance to take over the management of SEA Bulk stevedoring company, which operates on various docks of the port of Dunkirk. So, my wife and I decided to move to Dunkirk. For several years, I had got to know Dunkirk and I felt at home here. It’s a human scale city where the inhabitants are particularly friendly and open and it is easy to integrate. There’s a “village” ambiance, in the positive sense of the word, which I really like. There are gorgeous beaches, it is important, an incredible number of associations, and there’s no need to travel further than ten kilometres to get to the countryside. No longer do we spend hours in traffic jams and the price of real estate here remains reasonable. I am fortunate to live in a large house with a big plot of land, which would have been a lot more difficult to buy in Lille. I’m originally from Besançon and I’ve lived in many cities all over France. I can tell you that I’ve rarely found a quality of life as fine as in Dunkirk.”

Christophe Pillot

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