Bertrand DELPORTE, Directeur of L.A. Linière :
“Shives are a co-product from the mechanical extraction of our flaxfibre, a textile fibre renowned for its extreme finesse, great strength and the well-being it provides to those who wear it. We producemore than 800 m3 of shives per day and its uses, such as bedding, have changed little over time. This shives project was founded 3 years ago, BÂTILIN© sits in perfect harmony with the environmental challenges we’re all aware of. I’m satisfied to see building professionalsshowing a huge interest in this new product which I’m now sure willbe a success. Dunkerque Promotion has been very attentive andefficient in putting us in touch with potential users or financialsupport for BÂTILIN©. It’s true that the agency has a huge network in the Dunkirk area which has enabled us to knock on the rightdoors at the right moment and save a lot of time”.
(Bertrand Delporte, Directeur of L.A. Linière)