famille sur la plage dunkerque
Home Support to settle in

Support to settle in

bande carnaval dunkerque

Welcome to Dunkirk!  

The people from the Nord are true to their reputation and you’ll see that they’ll do absolutely everything to make you feel at home right away. Whether it’s to find a job for your partner, to get a helping hand in finding accommodation or simply to meet future friends.

A mobility project? We can help!

Do you need assistance with your project? Our support manager will be delighted to guide you, so don’t hesitate to contact her! Call her on 07 56 38 68 14. You can also send her an e-mail at: a.andricq@dunkerquepromotion.org

famille demenagement

  • Greater Dunkirk Urban Council

The Greater Dunkirk Urban Council has recently launched a new website to help families moving here in a professional capacity to settle in. You will find advice, testimonials, ideas for outings as well as plenty of practical information to make your move easier. 

See: https://www.jeminstalleadunkerque.fr/je-m-installe

Do you need help with your paperwork? There is a team specifically set up to help newcomers to settle in. Don’t hesitate to get in touch:  

> Telephone: 03 28 62 70 00  

> Email:  jeminstalleadunkerque@cud.fr

  • Hauts de Flandre Greater District Council  

The 40 towns of the Hauts de Flandre Greater District Council give you a warm welcome!  The various town halls are an excellent starting point for getting know other people and the services and activities happening in your new place to residence.  

> Go to: https://www.cchf.fr/

accueil ville françaises dunkerque

  • The AVF  

You can also rely on the Accueil des Villes Françaises (a French association dedicated to welcoming newcomers) which organises many activities to help you to integrate into your new surroundings and make acquaintances. You can contact this association on 06 84 54 88 02 or visit them at the Leughenaer tower in Dunkirk.  

> You can also email them using this address: avf.dunkerque@gmail.com


Still unsure? Would you like some reassurance? Would you like to check what services are available, explore the transport network and find out about the secondary schools in your future neighbourhood?

We’ve got it all (or almost all) covered! Thanks to the selection feature on our interactive map, you can do the necessary research and visualise yourself in your new life here.  

famille sautant sur la plage au coucher de soleil


I’m exploring the quality of life in Dunkirk