Where to look for a job or a business in the Dunkirk region?
Whether you are looking for a job in the industry, training, or creating or taking over a business, you will find solutions adapted to your needs here. Discover local initiatives, key contacts and opportunities not to be missed!
Job search
Are you looking for a job in the Dunkirk region? Here are some sites to help you in your quest!
20,000 jobs
Dunkirk means 20,000 jobs offered mainly in the industrial sector in the years to come! For more information and where to apply, visit the website.
France Travail
The reference site where you will find all the information you need for your career project: training, scholarships, jobs… Don’t hesitate to consult the employment events site!
Entreprendre ensemble
“Entreprendre Ensemble” distributes job offers, professional training as well as support adapted to different profiles. Visit their website to learn more.
Discover the Hauts de Flandre Greater District Council website for jobs, internships, work-study programs and training available in the 40 municipalities of the region!
Our jobs section
Job offers are regularly posted online. Why not take a look?
Creations or takeovers of businesses
Do you want to create or take over a business? Find out who can help you in the area
Espace Eurêka
Established in the Hauts de Flandre Greater District Council territory, Eureka and its business center support entrepreneurs by answering their questions in collaboration with its partners (the Region, consular chambers, support organizations and numerous experts).
Phone : 03 28 22 57 26
Mail : eureka.entreprise@cchf.fr
La Turbine
La Turbine is Dunkirk’s partner network made up of the main existing organizations in Dunkirk. They support people in the creation of a business including the form of franchise, takeover, development and transfer of businesses.
Phone : 03 28 24 48 10
Mail : laturbine@cud.fr