Fabuleuse Factory is an event that allows you to become a participant for the day and experience the discoveries and industry of the future.
Just like the Cité des Sciences museum in Paris, you can take quizzes and tests, do experiments and enjoy small entertaining and interactive experiences. There is something for everyone to discover, learn, test, play with, enjoy or talk about…
Fabuleuse Factory tells Dunkirk’s residents about the specific impacts of the mega projects on the quality of their daily life.
The inhabitants can then meet and chat to employees of the companies, who are the leading ambassadors for the industry, those who embody it but who also describe it best.
What are the aims of Fabuleuse Factory?
- To introduce inhabitants to this industry in transition,
- To reconnect the people of Dunkirk with their industrial fabric,
- To re-engage with the industry (to feel proud of being a pioneering territory, a future attracting employees),
- To explain the specific impacts of ongoing projects on daily life,
- To highlight trades, training courses and industrial careers (particularly among women).