Development and Promotion Division
Home Development and Promotion Division

Development and Promotion Division


The Development and Promotion Division supports entrepreneurs and project leaders (endogenous and exogenous) with any matters or procedures. It designs and implements various initiatives to stimulate the growth of businesses in the Dunkirk area. It also helps to welcome new companies and set up their entry to the local ecosystem.

Get to know our referrals
vue b parc bourbourg 2022

Heads of businesses and project leaders, we support you in a range of areas:  

  • Project analysis: We will undertake a strategic analysis of your project and advise you about what steps to take. Thanks to our expertise and operational knowledge, we can anticipate your needs and get everything in place to answer your questions.
  • Searching for land or property solutions : We study your specifications and propose the solutions that best suit your needs. We can also organise visits to potential sites chosen together. Our Property Listing online is an essential tool for finding out about the offers available.
  • Financial engineering: We identify, request and secure immediately available financial support (public and private), and we put forward additional financing solutions based on your needs.
  • Help to detect public procurement contracts: We regularly post consultations, calls for projects (AAP), calls for expressions of interest (AMI) and calls for project management (AMO) in our News section.  
  • An interface with public authorities: We support you and help you as best we can in your interactions with local, regional and national institutions.  
  • Putting you in contact with local stakeholders: We help you to interact with the local ecosystem, one with which we have close links, to develop your business networks and maximise your growth.
  • Supporting you to go global: We support you in your efforts to expand abroad. Attendance at international trade fairs, support for exporting your goods and services, introductions to potential partners, help to identify new markets and avenues to explore…
Explore our provisional programme for 2024

Development and Promotion Division Team

Laurence Sdika

Laurence Sdika

Florine Ringot

Florine Ringot-Moyon

Florine, notre dernière recrue, a un parcours orienté technique : elle est titulaire d’un diplôme d’ingénieur en mécanique énergétique et a travaillé cinq ans en Allemagne: d’abord dans le secteur de l’aéronautique sur le dimensionnement technique de propulseurs d’avion, puis dans le domaine de l’hydrogène en tant que cheffe de projet de R&D pour le développement de piles à combustible.

A son retour en France, Florine a dans un premier temps travaillé à l’ADEME (agence de la transition écologique), sur la thématique de la décarbonation de l’industrie et a pu accompagner les industriels des Hauts-de-France dans leurs projets de transition énergétique. Elle a ensuite rejoint l’équipe de Dunkerque Promotion début 2022 en tant que chargée de mission. Elle aura à cœur de vous aider dans le déploiement de vos nouveaux projets, et aussi de vous accompagner sur les thématiques des énergies nouvelles ou de l’économie circulaire.

Signes particuliers : Florine est intéressée par les technologies qui viendront apporter des solutions pour notre futur, mais en tant que grande amatrice de gastronomie française (ce qui lui a manqué en Allemagne !), vous pourrez aussi la retrouver derrière les fourneaux, se lançant des défis culinaires.

  • Français
  • Anglais
  • Allemand
Emilie Rigaud

Emilie Rigaud

Emilie joined our team after twelve years spent in China. She successively held the positions of responsible for setting up take-out points of sale in Shanghai, then director of a charity program within a professional integration organization. She then joined the Decathlon group in China, combining her passions for sport, well-being for all and ecological transition as a communication and event manager. Emilie thus reinforces the language capacities of the agency with the current practice of Mandarin. Whether you are a small business or a subsidiary of a large group, there is no doubt that the experience acquired during his international career will enable him to provide you with valuable advice and to carry out your project.
Distinguishing features: Passionate about travel and Asia, Emilie has discovered a special interest in traditional medicines. Today, she takes advantage of her return to France to rediscover her country of origin, hiking as soon as she can on the nature trails of the Opal Coast and Hautes de France. If she’s not out for a walk, you’ll probably find her in a gym or trying out a nautical activity by the sea.
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  • Anglais
  • Allemand
  • Espagnol


If you have a project in the service sector, metallurgy or new technologies, Bruno is your man. The setups of the OVH datacentre, the Capdune customer relations centre of the Arvato Services Group (500 workstations) and, more recently, the assembly plant of the Japanese firm Kubota, all testify to his efficiency and the care he will bring to your project. He is also Quality Manager for the agency, which has been ISO 9001 certified since 1999, and can advise you at each stage of your development.

Distinguishing features: Marathon runner and high-tech enthusiast!

  • Français
  • Anglais
Laurence Sdika

Laurence Sdika

Deputy Managing Director
Florine Ringot

Florine Ringot-Moyon

Development and Promotion project manager
Emilie Rigaud

Emilie Rigaud

Development and Promotion project manager


Development and Promotion project manager


Development and Promotion project manager
Development and Promotion Division