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Home Our agency Dunkerque Promotion

Dunkerque Promotion


year founded


projects brought to fruition

205 M€

invested on average by companies each year


companies supported by our team since 1991

carte montrant le scot Dunkerque et la Flandre


An economic development agency in the Dunkirk territory, Dunkerque Promotion has been up and running since 1991. It was created following the closure of Chantiers de France, a naval construction site that employed a significant slice of the population. Since then, it has continued working to support endogenous and exogenous companies and promote the territory’s assets and its constituent companies.

Our agency’s scope of operation is wide (750 km²) including the territories of the Greater Dunkirk Urban Council and the Hauts de Flandre Greater District Council, which both have a population of around 250,000 inhabitants.


6 personnes face


Dunkerque Promotion supports the growth of all businesses. Are you a local SME, SMI or international group? Our business development advisers can recommend bespoke solutions for you.

  • BUSINESS ANALYSIS AND ADVICE: We will undertake a strategic analysis of your project and advise you about what steps to take. Thanks to our expertise and operational knowledge, we can anticipate your needs and get everything in place to answer your questions.
  • QUEST FOR LAND OR PROPERTY SOLUTIONS: We study your specifications and put forward the most suitable solutions. We organise visits to potential sites chosen together. You can also consult our Property Listings  online to find out which offers are available.  
  • FINANCIAL ENGINEERING: We identify, request and secure immediately available financial support (public and private), and we put forward additional financing solutions based on your needs. Proactive in the quest for solutions, we put all your present and future activities into perspective, so that we can determine which opportunities will have the most impact.
Réunion avec femme souriant

  • INTERFACE WITH THE PUBLIC AUTHORITIES: We help you to get to grips with common operating methods and procedures and facilitate your dealings with local, regional and national institutions. We leverage our network in order to optimise administrative tasks while bearing in mind your developmental objectives.
  • CONTACT WITH LOCAL PARTNERS: We arrange meetings with the local ecosystem in order to develop your business networks and thus maximise your growth.
  • RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING SUPPORT: Whether it’s organisation or financing, we can help you to source the talent and skills you need by using our network of local partners.
Deux personnes se serrent la main dans une réunion

  • COMMUNICATION ABOUT YOUR DEVELOPMENT: Depending on your needs, we can provide support regarding your set-up, development and the use of your know-how.
  • HELP TO DETECT PUBLIC PROCUREMENT CONTRACTS AND OPPORTUNITIES: We regularly publish invitations to tender, calls for projects, calls for expression of interest and calls for project owner support in our “News” section. Feel free to consult and identify contracts that might be suitable for you.

>> Our close collaboration with each company has led to several long-term partnerships. By getting to know you better, we can give you better advice, so that you can concentrate on what really matters to you: your business!

Dunkerque Promotion

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