panoramique Dunkerque port
Home Testimonials H2V – Jean-Marc Léonhardt
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Conseiller du Président Of H2V

Jean-Marc Léonhardt, President adviser, H2V :

“We’re convinced that hydrogen is the fuel of the future and that it will be used to power boats, barges and narrowboats as well as lorries and handling machines. There will also be opportunities in industry, particularly the steel industry where projects are underway to change the steelmaking process so that hydrogen can be used as a reducing agent instead of coal, a major emitter of CO2 and pollutants in general. In the short term, there is a plan for our renewable hydrogen production to be injected into the gas network. In the mid and long term, it will be designed to integrate the heavy mobility sector (sea and road) as well as the industrial sector. This is why we set up our business in Dunkirk. We’ll be at the heart of the sea, river and industrial needs. In fact, one study estimates the needs of the port and industrial area to be 350,000 tonnes of hydrogen per year by 2035. Under these conditions, we can understand why our project has been so well received, both by the elected representatives as well as the economic, institutional and port world, which has given us its full support.”

A testimony to find in our brochure:

H2V – Jean-Marc Léonhardt

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