Where can I find a university or university school in Dunkirk ?
The territory of the Greater Dunkirk Urban Council has 21 communes and associated communes, and spans a surface area of 293.3 km². With more than 200 schools, it offers a wide choice of centres for your child’s education, ranging from nursery school to higher education. This means your needs will most definitely be met when it comes to age, location and even the area of study.
See below the article for an interactive map which shows the different univesity and university schools as well as local transport routes.
At the age of 17, once a student has finished their A-levels and is seeking higher education, the territory of the Greater Dunkirk Urban Council is guaranteed to have something to satisfy them, with a variety of different courses spread over different institutions. University schools offer qualifications such as bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, university technical degrees and university technical diplomas that meet the expectations of major companies in the sector. However, there are also secondary schools offering preparatory courses and advanced vocational training certificates.
- Etablissements publics
Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO) – 220 avenue de l’université. Tel : 03 28 23 70 00.
Domaines de formation :
- Arts, lettres & langues
- Droits, économie, gestion
- Sciences humaines & sociales
- Sciences & technologies, santé & STAPS.
Ecole d’Ingénieurs du Littoral Côte d’Opale (EILCO) – 280 avenue de l’université. Tel : 03 21 17 10 05.
Ecole Régionale des Beaux-Arts (ERBA) – 930 avenue de Rosendaël. Tel : 03 28 63 72 93.
- Etablissement privé
Ecole de Commerce International (ISCID-CO) – Centre Universitaire Lamartine, 91 Pl. du Général de Gaulle. Tel : 03 28 23 68 30.
- Etablissement privé
Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmier (IFSI) – Impasse Floreale, 59240. Tel: 03 28 28 56 80