France: No. 1 destination for foreign investment in Europe.
With 1197 projects announced in 2019 (+17% compared to 2018), France is the most attractive European country for foreign investors for the first time. The country is now the first destination for foreign investment in Europe, ahead of the United Kingdom (1 109 projects, +5%) and Germany (971 projects, +0%).
As observed in 2017 and 2018, the industrial and R&D sectors are continuously and strongly growing. France remains the leader in related projects. In terms of geographical distribution of foreign investment, Île-de-France (29% of projects), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (12%) and Hauts-de-France (10%) remain the tree most attractive regions.
Dunkirk: a Territory as attractive as ever.
THE DUNKIRK AREA is an active contributor to the list and has been home to many foreign companies for many years. Dunkirk is a resolutely international.
Once again in 2019, 30 location decisions were taken, representing €92 million in investment and 350 jobs, including one Belgian and one British project, totalling €56 million and 40 jobs.
Among the foreign investments that took place over the last 3 years, we can cite: Alvance Aluminium Dunkerque (Britain) , Astrazeneca (Britain/Switzerland) Couvoir David (Belgium), Beaulieu International (Belgium), Dhollandia (Belgium), Ecocem (Irland), HSWT (Netherlands), Indaver (Belgium), 24hFrost (Belgium) …..
Source: CNER